Meetings of Directors
The Directors attendances at Board meetings held during the year were:
The Company does not have any remuneration, nomination or audit committees, these functions are performed by the Board as a whole.
Corporate Governance
In recognising the need for the highest standards of corporate behaviour and accountability, the Directors of MGC Pharmaceuticals
Ltd support and have adhered to the principles of sound corporate governance. The Board recognises the recommendations of the
Australian Securities Exchange Corporate Governance Council, and considers that the Company is in compliance with many of those
guidelines which are of importance to the commercial operation of the Company. During the nancial year, shareholders continued
to receive the benet of an efcient and cost-effective corporate governance policy for the Company. The Company’s Corporate
Governance Policy is available for review on the Company’s website
At the date of this report the unissued ordinary shares of MGC Pharmaceuticals Ltd under option are as follows:
Directors Report